How Do YOU Wear Your “BRANDana”?
Brands, just like bandanas, come in many different colors and sizes. I find it interesting that a basic piece of fabric can be used in a plethora of different ways; ranging from simple practicality to outright, over the top tackiness. Inspired by this analogy, I compiled a variety of “BRANDana” styles I have recently encountered across the social Clearly some of these styles are more desirable than others, but just like fashion, there always seems to be someone out there wearing it loud and proud. That being said, where does your brand fit? How does your service or product wear its "BRANDana"?
Cowboy - Mainly used to wipe sweat from the face of the product and keeps the dust off of the collars; basically the type of branding that focuses on blue collar appeal, manual labor and rugged good looks.
Neckerchief – Commonly associated with Scouts and sailors; this is branding that focuses on conservative and traditional viewpoints.
Blind Chicken – Used to cover the eyes during a game of piñata; a type of branding that intentionally blind sights the consumer in the hopes that they will just focus on the “prize”.
Wristband - Worn to demonstrate the wearer's support of a cause or charitable organization, similar to awareness ribbons; the kind of branding that places strong focus on philanthropy.
Mask - Worn on the face, typically for protection, concealment, performance, or amusement; otherwise known as spammy branding that hides behind the guise of a lame promotion or gimmick.
Scarf - Worn for warmth, cleanliness, or fashion; the type of branding that offers consumers a sense of security while maintaining a sense of style.
Scrunchie -(or scrunchy) commonly used to fasten or hold back long strands; the kind of branding that pulls together the large pieces of information and binds them together into one cohesive bundle
Gangsta – Usually tied around the neck, head or mouth. Used to look tough, add drama; a youthful branding approach that is focused on an edgy or hip factor appeal.
Headband - Usually worn to hold strands away from the face or eyes: the kind of branding that pulls back the clutter and reveals the face of the product.
So many brands, so many styles...stop and ask yourself what style is your company or product wearing?
What’s your “BRANDana”
Written By: Stacey Soleil
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