Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lost In Twitter Translation?

A common list of Twitter abbreviations, and what they DON'T mean:

b/c = big crap
BFN = boogers from nose
bgd = big guy dater
BTW = Big Topped Women
da = little attorney
deets = bug sprays
Dweet = Dumb tweet
fab = feeling all bloated
fav = festering a virus
FTF = Feel The Force
FTL = Feeling The Love
FTW = Force The Wind
FYI = Forgetting Your Intelligence
Hashtag = Price tag attached to marijuana
IC = Idea Change
IMHO = Icing My Hang Over
IM = Ironic Moron
IOW = Instant Open Wound
IRL = In Ripped Leggings
JSYK = Jokingly Saying Your Kind
JV = Jealous Vegan
LMAO = Loser Making An Omelette
LMK = Little Miss Kitschy
LOL = Lush Over Lunch
mistweet = Mr. Tweet's Wife
OH = Overly Hairy
OMG = Over Marginally Gay
OMW = Overly Man Waxed
peeps = Delicious Easter treats
PPL = Perpetually Pushy Losers
props = Items found in @mayhemstudios bedroom drawer
ROFL = Randomly Offering Foot Love
TIA = Twittering In Air
ttyl = talk to your lady
ttys = try taming your slut
Tweeps = T-Pains tears
Tweet-dropping = Twitter bird poo
Tweetard = Twitter Leotard
Twistcuffs = Item found in @Ribeezies kitchen
TYT = Tweet Your Tryst
TYVM = Total Yahoo Vegan Man
TY = Total Yahoo
V2V = Virus to Virus
YVW = You're Very Wasted

And now for the REAL translations (Even though I like the top list better, lol) 

b/c = because
BFN = bye for now
bgd = background
BTW = By The Way
da = the
deets = details
Dweet = Tweet while drunk
fab = fabulous
fav = favorite
FTF = Face to Face
FTL For the Loss or For the Lose
FTW For the Win
FYI = for your information
Hashtag = Adding categorical metadata to tweets by using the # tag such as #SPANDEX.
IC = I see
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
IM = Instant Message
IOW = In Other Words
IRL In Real Life
JSYK = just so you know
JV = Joint Venture
LMAO = Laughing My Ass Off
LMK Let Me Know
LOL = laught out loud
mistweet = A tweet that was sent in error or that one later regrets.
OH = overheard
OMG = oh my god or oh my gosh
OMW = on my way
peeps = people
PPL = People
props = proper respect
ROFL = rolling on the floor laughing
TIA = thanks in advance
ttyl = talk to you later
ttys = talk to you soon
Tweeps = Twitter
Tweet-dropping = Eavesdropping on another member’s Home page in With Friends mode.
Tweetard = A Twitter retard.
Twistcuffs = Fighting with a fellow twitterer over twitter.
TYT = Take your time.
TYVM = Thank you very much.
TY = Thanks
V2V = voice to voice (chatting on the phone)
YVW = you’re very welcome

If you enjoyed these whimsical translation follies (aka WTF's) be sure to follow

Posted via email from staceysoleil's posterous

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!